Additional Services

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Custom Support Packages

If you need dedicated Epicor resources for long-term support, or you require issue-specific resolution, we have got multiple support packages to cater to your support needs.

System Audits

Unsatisfied with your Epicor system? Get your Epicor Implementation audited by our expert Epicor consultants to provide you with a detailed, process- rich actionable plan to turn your dead-Implementation into a fully utilized resource planning system.

Epicor Financial Planner

Simplify and improve your FP&A radically through an easy to install, configure, extend and maintain subscription service that needs just Excel on-premises. Get EFP today!

Epicor Training  

Getting users trained on new functionality or running a refresher series for existing modules is always the best investment you can make towards user performance. Dedicated workshops, business-specific scenario handling and assessment-driven training is the specialization at EpicLabs. Contact us today for training, we offer both on-site or virtual training sessions. 

Project Management

Utilize our PMP trained and certified project managers to help you design and plan your Epicor projects. Our project managers and PM Office can help you keep track of risks in your implementation journey and course-correct to ensure nothing slips through the cracks in the all-important project. Contact us today for sample project plans and expert Epicor project management solutions at EpicLabs. 

Epicor Cash Collect

The cloud-enabled Epicor Cash collect helps you resolve invoice disputes much faster and make smarter credit decisions. Self-service to customers on invoices sent, supporting documents and automated email reminders are great ways to ensure an efficient system to contribute to a healthy cash flow, all by EpicLabs’ expert implementation of Epicor Cash Collect.

Installation Services

Irrespective your business size or industry, Epicor software installation is a critical process in the implementation/upgrade process. Our highly skilled technical team with hundreds of installations under the belt can help ensure this imperative activity is performed flawlessly without affecting business continuity. 

Business Process Reviews (BPR)

Removing unnecessary cogs in the wheel of enterprise operations and identifying key areas to streamline your business processes will ensure a smooth and high ROI ERP implementation. With our senior consultants’ years of experience in doing impact analysis of business processes across domains, it is imperative to undergo a business process review before you begin your ERP implementation planning. 

SOX Report and Compliance

Ensure full Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) compliance, configure the required reporting and other regulatory governance issues from our expert compliance team today. 

System Admin

Offload the system admin to an EpicLabs system admin. External system admin ensures full accountability, reliability and harnessing the resources of an organization instead of the limited skill set of an in-house employee. 

Epicor Social Enterprise 

Skyrocket the speed at which your Epicor users can communicate and execute on business processes and approvals by successfully implementing Epicor Social Enterprise. It cuts the clutter of email communication by bringing the latest relevant activities in a curated stream for each user to both communicate with team members and act immediately. 

Epicor Enterprise Search

Give your Epicor Instance google-like search capabilities. By simply searching for order, customer, part or job information, relevant search results now bring delightful increments of efficiency. With our specialized use-cases to drastically improve user efficiency through Epicor Enterprise search, ROI on Epicor will turn multi-fold. Contact us today to get comprehensive training on Epicor Enterprise Search. 

Company Configuration Reviews

Company Setup and configuration though basic is integral to ensure a smooth Epicor ERP implementation and operation. Our application consultants will assess all your setup configurations and comprehensively report on areas to fine-tune the configuration.